Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's been a long time coming but it's good to be back

 To say it's been a while since my last post would be farcical. I have missed a few opportunities with some friends traveling to Paris.  And somehow when I have asked a few, they looked at me sideways.  I probably damaged my reputation with a few colleagues as well.

But let's focus on the positive share we? I have a new photo to share!  A co-worker mentioned she was going on vacation to tour France and would be stopping in Paris.  More importantly, she also agreed to pose with my beloved Rhino.  I had hoped that she would oblige me with an iconic head and bum shot but beggars can't be choosers.  Hopefully, my friend had a good laugh and so did her travel mate who snapped the pic.

I was hoping for a dual post as a high school pal and his wife were also in Paris this month.  Alas, it was not to be. This time, at least.  I suspect he'll globe trot over again and perhaps fulfill his destiny.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Rhino's Guard

Always on the lookout for a new Rhinoceros statue, I've found one out in the Northwest.  Nestled near the Canadian border, there is a small town named Sheridan in Wyoming where there exists a most interesting bronze Rhino statue.

Smack-dab on the corner of Brundage & Main Street sits The Boss created by Dollores B. Shelledy and donated by the Sheridan Public Arts Committee in 2006.  There are sixteen statues throughout downtown and a number of additional ones on loan and for sale.

Not only is this statue unique for depicting the Rhino as sitting, but the artist also included some friends.

Perched on its back are three oxpeckers, or tick birds.
The rhino has a symbiotic relationship with the bird. Its Swahili name, askari wa kifaru, means "the rhino's guard." The bird eats ticks it finds on the rhino and noisily warns of danger. Although the birds also eat blood from sores on the rhino's skin and thus obstruct healing, they are still tolerated.

Luckily for us, Dollores chose not to depict that ugly truth.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Tale of Two Rhinos

I admit it. I've been keeping something from you.  It's time a come clean.  There exists, in the great City of Lights, a second Rhino - Le rhinocéros by Xavier Veilhan.  C'est incroyable! I know. 

This shiny red rhino is housed in the Modern Art Museum, Le Centre Georges Pompidou (B) which is about a 10 minute cab ride from Musee d'Orsay (A). 

During my two trips to Paris, I never made it to Pompidou.  It was on the list during my second, longer stay but with so many other "to-do's" that item remained un-checked.  I must admit it was deliberate as my appreciation for modern art did not take hold until years later when visiting museums with my children.  They always gravitated towards the oddities displayed in the Modern Art wing.  I came to view these displays through their eyes and found the experience most enjoyable as we made up stories to go along with these works of art.

Xavier has done many other pieces, some which I find, very interesting as well.  On his own website, you can see some photos taken during the construction of the Red Rhino.

Do not fear, Rhino d'Orsay!  Though I have grown to appreciate your shiny red cousin, you will always be my first love.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ice Rhino

I was running some errands in town during lunch and as I turned the corner, I nearly ran right into this ice sculpture.  It turns out Rochester has an annual Fire and Ice Festival each winter.  They have all sorts of fun stuff from snowshoeing and dogsleds to fireworks and beer tents.  Plus there's a "taste of the town" portion from many of the local restaurants.  This year each business had an animal-themed ice sculpture displayed in front of their business.  Lucky me, I had my camera phone to snap one of the Rhino.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Anatomically Correct

A friend of mine once said the best thing about being a parent is that you get to re-live your childhood but get to experience it through the eyes of wisdom. The joys are breath-taking and leave you feeling satisfied, sublime. The sorrows, although heart-breaking at times, encourage more empathy on your part and at the same time allow you more perspective on your own past hurts.

I particularly love to watch when my children experience new things. Their first taste of new food. Their first dip in the ocean. Their first rollercoaster ride. First trip to the zoo, a museum, and viewing of Disney's Epcot fireworks display.

Then of course there is the first time they see an anatomically correct Rhino statue.


Friday, October 10, 2008

The Hanging Rhino

I stumbled on a great little blog about weird statues. Thirty Three to be exact.

First thought: I am not alone in appreciating this kind of art (Well at least Jeff, John and I are not.)

Second thought: I need to visit some of these places to see and experience them. The joy of watching our kids come across these things would be worth it alone.

Third thought: Awesome, there is another Rhino Photo Op available to our readers.

So if you find yourself in Germany near Luisenplatz Square and the Potsdam’s Brandenburg Gate, say, "Cheese!" and sent it this a-way.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Musée Carnavalet

Musée Carnavalet
23, Rue Sévigné
Paris, France

Monsieur Alex alerted me of a Parisian museum I have not had the pleasure to visit. It is simply a museum of Parisian history. Inside this gorgeous facade is a beautiful wintry rendering of our
rhino. Merci Alex.